As a computer technician I like to stay up to date on technology and I like to test myself with the latest A+ exams.
I recently had a chance to use the uCertify - C220-701: CompTIA A+ Essentials prepkit which has over 824 practice questions and 300 study notes for the 2009 CompTIA A+ certification exam.
I like the format and layout of the practice test section, you can select pre-made practice tests, a final test when you are ready and finally an Adaptive test that is a simulation of the real CompTIA test,you can even create custom tests too which is really cool.
During the tests you can choose to start the test in either Test mode (answers shown at the end) or Learn mode (answers shown after each question) you can even bookmark, tag certain questions to review them later or discuss with another user.
The study material is good too with Study notes, study tips ,how to, articles,flash cards it really does prep you for the CompTIA exam so that you pass it with an A (A+ in this case :) ).
The article and study note sections are very informative and very easy to learn, some even have diagrams and screen shots to explain certain windows procedures since learning with pictures is always easier and much more fun.
There is a Test history section where you can check your results and review the questions that you got wrong.
The test readiness report gives you a report of all the tests that have been completed ,not yet completed ,failed, passed and from here you can even re-attempt any Test.
Take a look at the objective readiness report to find out if you really are ready for the CompTIA exam it lists the six objective groups and your passing percentage for each one ,if they are all over 95% then one can take the exam with a positive outlook.
Overall I liked the products features ,design ,layout and it does what it's supposed to do and that is pass the CompTIA A+ Essentials exam the first time.
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